Three Poisons

Poisonous mushrooms sketch

In his early teachings, the Buddha identified “three poisons,” or three fires, or three negative qualities of the mind that cause most of our problems—and most of the problems in the world. The three poisons are: greed (raga, also translated as lust), hatred (dvesha, or anger), and delusion (moha, or ignorance). Source:

There is no immunity to three poisons of the mind.

Some call raga - success. More likes, more followers, more this and that. And less falling, less disappointments, please. Just more and more power, status and fame. Sooner or later we all climb up and slide down to learn about the impermanence of the top and humility of the bottom.

Some call dvesha - justice. These are right and those are wrong! Punish the wrong ones, kill them all. And be nice to the right ones as if right ones never do any wrong. Sooner or later we all find refuge in compassion to guide us through suffering.

Some call moha - mastery. They know this and that, they know it all. Look how much knowledge they have, they are so smart and they have all these certificates. Information confused for knowledge and knowledge confused for wisdom. One lifetime is not enough to come out of ignorance. Ignorance is the deadliest poison of all.


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