The Raft Is Not the Shore

“It is often said that the Buddha’s teaching is only a raft to help you cross the river, a finger pointing to the moon. Don’t mistake the finger for the moon. The raft is not the shore. If we cling to the raft, if we cling to the finger, we miss everything.” Thich Nhat Hanh

I look at the other shore longing to explore the promised land. The river is wide and wild, I cannot cross by myself. Days pass by. My desire to cross is waning with the waxing moon.

Later, in the city, a teacher mentions a raftsman taking people to the other shore. I remember my yearning and excitement fills my senses. Wonder of the promised land takes me back to the riverbank. I am determined. I am patient.

The raftsman appears. He is nothing I have been expecting or calling for. He is overwhelmed with anger, his stinky breath pollutes the air. “I must be mistaken!” the mind concludes swiftly. Doubt overtakes my heart. “I must find another raft. For certain, this can’t be the one.”

Months pass by. Nobody else comes to the shore. Only ugly, angry raftsman.

I return back to the city indulging in busyness and attachments. Another teacher comes by. His voice is soft and eyes gentle. His words melt my heart. The teacher says: ”There is a raft that takes you to the other shore. Walk mindfully and the way will appear.”

I walk slowly to the shore. I hear birds and feel morning breeze on my skin. Footsteps are hushed by fallen leaves. My soles are kissing the earth.

I come to the shore, sit quietly and focus on my breath. I smile. I am on the other shore.




Three Poisons