
It is f***ing hard

Say it if you must

And let love for the experience

And experiencer

Become your faithful guard

Because in the end,

No matter how far you get

You will need to step

Out of the gauntlet

And say: I’m done with this game.

I drop all this ridiculous chasing

Of the fame

Likes and visibility.

I embrace my introvert probability.

But be aware,

Of standing still

Not participating

Against your will.

Using personality trait

As an excuse

While deep inside you wish

You had your muse

To help you get going

And join the crowd.

So gauntlet or not

No matter where you are

Calm, Perspective, Awareness and Compassion

Will tell you who you are.

Breaking this illusion

Will stop the confusion

Of what it means to be human.

And in the end

If there is end at all

Find meaning and purpose

Regardless if you are

A hare or a tortoise.

It doesn’t matter

Who wins the game

It is not about winning

It is not about the fame.

This path is an adventure

That teaches you how to embrace

Micro-moments of happiness

How to savor and feel

Gratitude, appreciation and kindness.

And finally,

Do not take your efforts

And efforts of all you meet

For granted.


The hardest of all

Is to find the courage you need

To be grateful and kind

While your scars bleed.


Pi, Personal AI, Self-View

